If you’ve ever heard someone claim that Test-Driven Development leads to zero-defects code, congratulations, you’ve encountered one of software development’s most enduring myths.
It’s an alluring idea. Write tests first, and your code becomes bulletproof. But like many things in life, the reality…
Stack Overflow is the go-to resource for developers worldwide seeking solutions to their programming problems. Its impressive database of millions of questions and answers has been curated and built over the years, offering an exhaustive library of programming knowledge. However, the site has come u…
Multiple people with my name (homonyms) are convinced their email address is like mine without the dot, e.g., marcocecconi@ instead of marco.cecconi@.
For the Gmail mail servers, these two are aliases of each other. Every email sent to either address gets to my inbox. In particular, all mail comin…
After years of building Intelligent Hack, our top-notch consultancy to help start-ups and scale-ups create great, scalable products, I think it is high time I added an update to how it is going and what's next for us.
Let me assure you that the company is doing great, growing, and sustainable. Even…
Preface from Sklivvz: Stack Overflow was created with a strong idea person, Jeff Atwood a.k.a. Coding Horror, counterbalanced by a strong community builder, Josh Heyer a.k.a. Shog9. Where Jeff provided direction and alignment, Shog represented the community and its needs. This allowed Stack Overflow…
As I prepare for my talk at Digital Warriors 2020, entitled "from office to remote in 48h", I want to share some thoughts about the process of moving a company from office to remote-first and then to remote-only. This post represents what I've learned over the past eight years working at the best re…
It is with great pleasure that we are announcing today our newest open source project intelligent cache. We are very enthusiastic about this project because we think we constructed a very usable interface and ecosystem which you can rely on and extend extremely easily. Let me talk to you about it.
Preface from Sklivvz: I met Salvatore (Antirez) when I was working at Stack Overflow and he was the maintainer of Redis, one of the major parts of our infrastructure. Besides our common Italian heritage, what struck me was that we shared very many ideas about programming. This became absolutely evid…
Last month I described how Intelligent Hack grew from a personal project to a real company when we hired our first two "valued associates" Oded and Mariusz. A few weeks ago I introduced you to our first engineering team, team America.
Today I want to introduce our second engineering team: Team EMEA…
Preface from Sklivvz: I've known Orf for many years and, he is one of the most creative and innovative developers that I know. He mixes video game-style coding and hardware building to create unique interactive exhibition pieces. A lot of his interactive stories are presented in museums or other hig…
After years of building, our top-notch consultancy to help start-ups and scale-ups create great, scalable products, I think it is high time I added an update to how it is going and what's next for us.
Software engineers go crazy for the most ridiculous things. We like to think that we’re hyper-rational, but when we have to choose a technology, we end up in a kind of frenzy